Portfolio of Clients

Companies we've helped in the past

we've worked with a variety of companies around the world

renewable energy projects executed in our 13 years of operations.
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We are fully equipped to develop high-level energy profiles in the most complex of environments. We apply a rigorous engineering approach in all projects, starting with energy profiling and leading methodically through design, verification and monitoring. 

public sector

Blackburn College Logo
Colchester borough homes
Millfield logo


Olympic Logo
Vygon logo
Moorhouses Logo
Crewe Alexandra Football Club
Mi vehicle integration
GE Robinson Logo

public ltd companies

Audi Logo
Goodwin PLC logo
Travelodge Logo
Siemens Logo


Almabani Logo
Bardsley Logo
Lorne Logo
Stepnell logo
SES Logo
Mitie logo


Dovehaven Care Homes

Following on from the success of the solar panel installations and the impressive return on investment achieved, we have designed and installed the UK's first cascaded Air Source Heat System. 

Vygon Group

Following on from a 503 kWp solar PV system, we are now working with the Vygon Group to develop a long-standing carbon mitigation strategy enabling them to achieve zero emissions throughout their operations in the UK. 

Goodwin Steel Castings

Energy Gain UK is working with Goodwin PLC to develop and execute a net-zero strategy within the next 5  years. This involves a blend of energy efficiency measures, renewable generation, energy sleeving and carbon offsetting.