
Learn more about what we can do for your business.

Carbon reporting and environmental transparency are key to becoming truly responsible. The threat of climate change has seen increasing demand for it, not only between stakeholders and customers, but through regulators too. We assist our clients in determining their regulatory requirements and take care of their obligations to ensure end-to-end compliance. By taking a rigorous approach to assessment and monitoring, we can ensure peace of mind in all our compliance services.

PAS 2060

PAS 2060 is a voluntary reporting standard for demonstrating claims of carbon neutrality. It offers a rigorous framework for reporting operational carbon neutrality, covering carbon accounting, offset credibility and reduction and management plans.

We choose to certify under the standards of PAS 2060 as it is the only internationally recognised specification for carbon neutrality. The standard was first published in 2010 by the British Standards Institute (BSI) along with a steering group consisting of the Carbon Trust and The Gold Standard.

Operational carbon neutrality is part of the long-term shift to a post-carbon economy and PAS 2060 offers an excellent way for companies to demonstrate a voluntary and ambitious contribution to climate action.

We're working to help your business be kinder to the environment


Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) is a mandatory reporting scheme first introduced in April 2019. This new government legislation, replacing the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) scheme, affects around 12,000 UK organisations.


Who needs to comply ?

There are three main groups that are affected by the new legislation:

  • ‘Large’ unquoted companies that meet the definition of large defined by the Companies Act 2006
  • All quoted companies incorporated in the UK
  • Large Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs)


Both large unquoted and large LLPs must report under SECR if they meet two of the three following qualifying conditions:

  • An annual turnover of £36 million or more
  • 250 employees or more
  • A balance sheet totalling £18 million or more

How we can help

Qualifying companies must include information as required by the SECR framework in their annual Director’s Report from financial years beginning on 1st April 2019. Energy Gain UK will assess your emissions by completing the necessary audits, ensuring end-to-end compliance with SECR. All SECR participants must demonstrate commitments to energy efficiency action in their reports. With our expertise in energy management and reduction we can analyse your consumption, identify key areas of inefficiency and develop a bespoke energy reduction strategy. This will allow you to communicate your carbon reduction efforts to key stakeholders whilst bringing you closer to the goal of becoming carbon neutral.


The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is a mandatory requirement for qualifying organisations that must comply by producing an energy audit over a 12-month period once every four years. Compliance with the scheme requires that affected organisations complete energy surveys and communicate cost-effective energy efficiency solutions in a report.  

Administered by the Environment Agency, ESOS is the UK’s interpretation of Article 8 of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (ECEEE). The scheme will help drive low-carbon development and innovation in energy efficiency, helping the UK to reach its energy efficiency targets by 2020 as set at EU level.  

Our team of ESOS Assessors can support your company in understanding the scheme, collating the necessary data, completing energy efficiency surveys, and preparing the ESOS submission document completed with an evidence pack and sign-off. Going further than just compliance, we will help your company maximise on the benefits the ESOS scheme brings by providing cost-effective energy efficiency recommendations, backed by in-depth investment appraisals.  


ESOS applies to large undertakings and their corporate groups. Your organisation will qualify for ESOS if you have:

  • 250 employees or more  
  • An annual balance sheet total greater than £38 million   
  • An annual turnover in excess of £44 million 


If your organisation is fully covered by ISO 50001 accreditation, you do not need to complete an ESOS assessment; just notify the Environment Agency that you are compliant with ESOS.  

We are now in Phase 3 of scheme – do you need to report?  

The deadline for this phase is the 5th December 2023. All audits must be completed and submitted to the Environment Agency by this date or penalties will be issued. Non-compliance by a qualifying company could result in a basic fine of £50,000, plus £500 per day until compliance is complete, up to a maximum of 80 days.  

ISO 50001

ISO 50001 accreditation improves the ability of organisations to manage energy risks and integrate a long-term energy efficiency strategy in all their operations. ISO 50001 delivers a rigorous framework for improving energy efficiencies. Accreditation to it will also help companies meet the reporting requirements set by energy efficiency reporting schemes such as SECR, PAS 2060, ESOS and CCA.

Our compliance team will assess your current-energy management processes, develop your energy policies, set realistic reduction targets, implement the changes required and help you achieve ISO 50001 certification.

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