Solar Panel savings - According to the latest government figures renewable generation increased 4.2GW in 2016 and Solar PV capacity was up by 2.4GW.
By the end of the first quarter of 2017, solar PV was up to 12.2 GW and represented one-third of all renewable capacity, the highest share of renewable technologies.
So what are the solar panel savings that would make you want to install solar?
Energy Prices and predicted costs
According to Rupert Redesdale, Chief Executive of the Energy Managers Association recent price increases of 10% have left many consumers facing much higher bills and this rise is expected to continue. The impact of Brexit alone could lead to further increases of 10 – 20%.
Government funding pays for the solar panel system
If you want to make solar panel savings and install a solar panel system from Energy Gain UK you will receive tax free payments from the government (FIT) for every unit of electricity you generate - whether you use it or not. Over the 20 years you will receive these payments you should receive around £7,281 which will more than cover the cost of the solar panel installation.
Self- generated electricity.
As well as the FIT payments you will also make solar panel savings by being able to generate your own electricity, which will see your overall electricity costs drop to less than 1p per unit over the next 20 years. So whilst most people’s electricity cost will be steadily increasing, yours will have fallen.
This presents unbelievable value for money …
If you would like to start making your own solar panel savings simply book a free energy survey and find out by how much your energy bills could be reduced give us a call on 0161 330 7739 or contact us.

About Us
Energy Gain UK offer market leading carbon consultancy services along with an award-winning construction division that installs the latest renewable energy systems.

UK: Energy Gain UK, 9 Avocado court, Commerce Way, Trafford Park, M17 1HW
KSA: Airport Road, Building 7, Level 1, Zone A, The Business Gate, Riyadh, 11683